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The UMMC Molecular and Genomics Core Facility (MGCF) is under the direction of Michael R. Garrett, PhD, MBA (Director) and D. Ashley Robinson, PhD (Associate Director) and employs 4.5 FTE experienced staff in performing a variety of genomic methodologies. Consultation and genomic services are offered to all UMMC investigators as well as other institutions of higher learning across the state of Mississippi. 

Michael GarrettMichael R. Garrett, PhD, MBA
Director, Mammalian Genetics and Genomics

Dr. Garrett has extensive experience in molecular biology, animal models of disease, and genetic and genomics techniques. As core director, he is responsible for meeting with research investigators, aiding in the design of experiments, providing oversight of technical staff and training, evaluating equipment needs, and conducting seminars to educate and promote core capabilities. Aside from his role as core director, he has an active research program involving studying the genetics of complex disease including hypertension, kidney disease, and diabetes.

David Ashley RobinsonD. Ashley Robinson, PhD
Associate Director, Microbial Genetics and Genomics

Dr. Robinson has extensive experience in molecular microbiology and bacterial population genetics. He leads an active research program that studies genetic and genomic variation in pathogenic staphylococci and streptococci. As core associate director, he consults with researchers on the design and analysis of projects that involve microbial sequencing, including whole genome sequencing, amplicon and transposon sequencing, and microbiome sequencing projects.